(Peer-Reviewed) Sequential harmonic spin–orbit angular momentum generation in nonlinear optical crystals
Yutao Tang 唐宇涛 ¹, Zixian Hu 胡子贤 ¹, Junhong Deng 邓俊鸿 ¹, Kingfai Li 李敬辉 ¹, Guixin Li 李贵新 ¹ ²
¹ Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China
中国 深圳 南方科技大学材料科学与工程系
² Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China
中国 深圳 南方科技大学精密光学工程中心
Opto-Electronic Advances, 2024-12-16
Light beams carrying multiple orbital angular momentum (OAM) states, which can be realized by the structured media with phase singularities, have attracted great attentions in the fields of high dimensional optical information processing. Alternatively, a simple uniaxial crystal can be used to simultaneously generate four OAM states of light through the second harmonic generation and cascaded optical spin–orbit interaction (SOI) processes.
However, two of the OAM states realized in the crystal are very weak and limit the practical applications. Here, we aim to circumvent this constraint by using the sequential optical SOI processes in two crystals with threefold rotational symmetry. Four angular momentum states of the fundamental waves are prepared after the first crystal and then are utilized to generate the corresponding second harmonic waves (SHWs) with opposite spin and doubled OAM in the second crystal.
Further through a sequential SOI process, totally eight angular momentum states of the SHWs with nearly equal energy are experimentally observed. The proposed methodology may find potential applications in optical communications, parallel optical computing, optical manipulation and so on.
High-resolution tumor marker detection based on microwave photonics demodulated dual wavelength fiber laser sensor
Jie Hu, Weihao Lin, Liyang Shao, Chenlong Xue, Fang Zhao, Dongrui Xiao, Yang Ran, Yue Meng, Panpan He, Zhiguang Yu, Jinna Chen, Perry Ping Shum
Opto-Electronic Advances
Ultra-high-Q photonic crystal nanobeam cavity for etchless lithium niobate on insulator (LNOI) platform
Zhi Jiang, Cizhe Fang, Xu Ran, Yu Gao, Ruiqing Wang, Jianguo Wang, Danyang Yao, Xuetao Gan, Yan Liu, Yue Hao, Genquan Han
Opto-Electronic Advances