(Peer-Reviewed) Table-top optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers: past and present
Audrius Dubietis, Aidas Matijošius
Laser Research Center, Vilnius University, Saulėtekio Avenue 10, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
Opto-Electronic Advances, 2022-09-30
The generation of power- and wavelength-scalable few optical cycle pulses remains one of the major challenges in modern laser physics. Over the past decade, the development of table-top optical parametric chirped pulse amplification-based systems was progressing at amazing speed, demonstrating excellent performance characteristics in terms of pulse duration, energy, peak power and repetition rate, which place them at the front line of modern ultrafast laser technology.
At present, table-top optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers comprise a unique class of ultrafast light sources, which currently amplify octave-spanning spectra and produce carrier-envelope phase-stable, few optical cycle pulses with multi-gigawatt to multi-terawatt peak powers and multi-watt average powers, with carrier wavelengths spanning a considerable range of the optical spectrum.
This article gives an overview on the state of the art of table-top optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers, addressing their relevant scientific and technological aspects, and provides a short outlook of practical applications in the growing field of ultrafast science.
Genetic algorithm assisted meta-atom design for high-performance metasurface optics
Zhenjie Yu, Moxin Li, Zhenyu Xing, Hao Gao, Zeyang Liu, Shiliang Pu, Hui Mao, Hong Cai, Qiang Ma, Wenqi Ren, Jiang Zhu, Cheng Zhang
Opto-Electronic Science